Education and training
Legal Education
Legal education refers to education intended to make people who are not legal specialists understand the value of the foundations of the law and the justice system, as well as perspectives on legal matters.
The Tokyo Bar Association, through the Committee on Administration of Legal Training Center, implements the following programs:
- On-site criminal mock court training program
- Court attendance and explanation program
- "Rulemaking" program
- Junior law school
- Programs for junior high school and high school students, such as court attendance during winter holidays
- Guest lectures at schools regarding the Constitution, consumer issues, bullying, gender equality, the environment, labor law, etc.
Nurturing the Legal Profession and Training Attorneys
The Tokyo Bar Association accepts a large number of trainees every year and offers them a training curriculum. The Tokyo Bar Association also provides continuing education to attorneys.
The Training of Legal Trainees
Through the Legal Trainees Training Committee, the Tokyo Bar Association accepts more than 200 legal trainees every year and offers individual, joint, and self-directed curriculums at member law firms.
The Training of Attorneys
(Recently registered attorneys and other attorneys)
Through the Committee on Administration of Legal Training Center, the Tokyo Bar Association implements continuous legal education of its members, and in order to promote the development of in-depth knowledge in legal specialties holds general, concentrated, and subject-specific courses. The association also implements a new-members training course for recently registered attorneys.
The Center on Lay-Judges (Saiban-in) System
In addition to dispatching lecturers and organizing other public relations activities with regard to the Lay-Judges System, the Tokyo Bar Association's "Center on Lay-Judges (Saiban-in) System," through research and training, prepares attorneys for lay-judge trials and conducts examination to ensure fair operation of the Lay-Judges System.