【Report】Online Events at webinar with LAWASIA(2022/9/15)
On September 15, 2022, Tokyo Bar Association and LAWASIA (The Law Association for Asia and the Pacific1※) held a joint webinar.
The subject matter of the joint webinar was set as "The latest situation of Asian Nations regarding Data Protection Laws - From a comparative perspective with GDPR and Chinese data protection laws -", to enable a cross-national examination for the practice of data protection, which has become increasingly important in recent years since the GDPR came into force."
※The association of legal associations and lawyers in the Asia-Pacific region, it was founded in Canberra, Australia in 1966 and currently has its secretariat in Sydney, Australia.
Quoted from LAWASIA promotion materials
1.Opening Speech, 1st session and Master of Ceremony
The Opening Speech was given by Mr. Osamu Yoshida, Vice President of the Tokyo Bar Association, and he introduced the Tokyo Bar Association and shared his aspirations for a future relationship with LAWASIA.
After that, the 1st session was moderated by Mr. Motoyasu Hirose (a member of the International Committee of Tokyo Bar Association) and was featured by three speakers from LAWASIA: Mr. Henning von Zanthier (Germany), Ms. Maria Conception (the Philippines), and Ms. Yingyu Wang (Singapore) as well as Mr. Shohei Shibuya (a member of International Committee of Tokyo Bar Association) form Tokyo Bar Association. This session was held from the viewpoint of comparison with GDPR.
In addition, Mr. Kei Miyoshi (the Vice-Chairman of the International Committee of Tokyo Bar Association), who planned and organized this Joint Webinar together with LAWASIA, served as the Master of Ceremony.
2.2nd session and Closing Remarks
The 2nd session was moderated by Dr. Gordon Hughes (Australia), Secretary General of LAWASIA, and was featured by speakers from LAWASIA, Mr. Henry Chen (China), Ms. Vrinda Bhandari (India), and Mr. Johhanes Sahetapy (Indonesia), as well as Mr. Keita Mori, (a member of International Committee of Tokyo Bar association) from Tokyo Bar Association. This session was held from the viewpoint of comparison with the Chinese Data Protection Law.
After that, the Closing Remarks were given by Dr. Sunil Abeyaratne (Sri Lanka), Chair of the Communication, Data Protection and Technology Law Committee of LAWASIA, who planned and organized this Joint Webinar together with LAWASIA, and he summarized the total sessions based on his extensive knowledge in the data protection field.
This joint seminar was held in close cooperation between the International Committee of the Tokyo Bar Association and the Communication, Data Protection and Technology Law Committee of LAWASIA, following a top-level meeting between the Tokyo Bar Association and LAWASIA held in last May, to strengthen the relationship between the two organizations.
The event was a great success with a large audience of 228 participants, and such a number was almost the largest international seminar held by the Tokyo Bar Association until now.
Also, in line with the purpose of the event, it greatly contributed to strengthening the relationship between the Tokyo Bar Association and the LAWASIA.
The video data of the webinar is available as a record of our activities. If you missed it, please click https://youtu.be/skocJmV_BGU to watch it.