Information 2022.02.28 Statements President's Statement to Condemn Russia's Invasion of Ukraine, Which Tramples upon the Rule of Law 2021.08.15 Statements President's Discourse on the Date of August 15 2021.08.06 Statements President's Discourse on the 76th Hiroshima-Nagasaki Peace Memorial Day 2021.04.30 Statements President's Discourse on the International Human Rights Offenses and the Role of Lawyers 2020.04.24 Statements President's statement aims to support citizens and businesses affected by the Declaration of Emergency Situations due to the spread of new types of coronaviruses and to establish a legal consultation system that makes it easier for them to consult 2019.10.31 Statements Chairman's Statement Calling on the Expert Committee on Detention and Deportation to Have a Radical Discussion from the Perspective of Protecting Human Rights 2019.07.31 Statements Chairman's Statement Protesting Long-Term and Illegal Re-Detention of Foreigners and the Trampling of Human Dignity 2019.07.01 Statements President's Statement Calling For Drastic Improvements in the Operation Of Detention Of Foreigners And An Immediate Stop To Unnecessary Detention