


東京弁護士会 会長 斎藤 義房

1 米海兵隊は、2012年10月、普天間飛行場に垂直離着陸輸送機MV-22オスプレイを配備した。しかしながら、2012年9月9日、沖縄県宜野湾市において、オスプレイ配備に反対する県民大会(主催者発表10万1千人参加)が開催され、沖縄県知事及び沖縄県内41市町村長全てがオスプレイ配備反対の考えを示している。沖縄県民をあげてオスプレイ配備反対の意思を表明しているにもかかわらず、米海兵隊はオスプレイ配備を強行したものである。

2 オスプレイは、オートローテーション機能(エンジンが停止した際に、下降によって生じる空気の流れで回転翼が自動回転し、安全に着陸する機能)の欠如や、回転翼機モードと固定翼機モードの切替時の不安定さなど、専門家から構造上重大な危険をはらんでいると指摘されている。

3 沖縄県においては、1959年6月、宮森小学校に米軍ジェット機が墜落する事故が発生し、児童11人を含む17人が死亡している。

4 また、オスプレイが訓練を予定している本州以南の6つのルートは、日米地位協定に基づく提供施設・区域ではなく、これらのルートで米軍が訓練を行うことは、日米地位協定上問題がある。

5 防衛省は、東京都の福生市、昭島市、立川市、武蔵村山市、瑞穂町にまたがる横田飛行場にもオスプレイが飛来することを認めている。

6 オスプレイ配備問題をはじめとして米軍基地に派生する問題の根底には、我が国の主権の行使を制約している日米地位協定がある。当会は、2004年4月13日の「日米地位協定の抜本改定を求める会長声明」において、日米地位協定の抜本改定を求めている。日弁連も、2002年8月の理事会決議などで度々日米地位協定の見直しを求めてきた。

President’s Statement Calling for Retraction of the Osprey Deployment at the Futenma Air Station and for Total Halt to Osprey Flights within Japan

1.In October 2012, the United States Marine Corps (USMC) deployed vertical takeoff and landing transport aircraft, the MV-22 Ospreys, at the Futenma Air Station.
On September 9, 2012, however, Kenmin Taikai (Citizens’ Rally) against The Osprey Deployment was held in Ginowan City, Okinawa Prefecture (with 101,000 participants according to the promoter). Governor and all the forty-one mayors of the municipalities of Okinawa Prefecture expressed their opposition to the Osprey deployment. In spite of overall opinions against the Osprey deployment amongst the Okinawans, the USMC dared to deploy Ospreys.

2.Experts have pointed out that Ospreys have such structurally grave risks as lack of the autorotation function (the function to safely land by the autorotation of rotors with air flows generated by the descent when the engines stop) and the instability during switchover between the helicopter and fixed-wing flight modes. In fact, Ospreys have caused serious accidents since the development stage and these have continued as follows even after their deployment by the United States Armed Forces. In April 2010, four crewmembers were killed in an Osprey crash in Afghanistan. Another two were killed in an Osprey crash in Morocco in April 2012. In June, an Osprey crashed in Florida. In July, an Osprey was forced to make an emergency landing at a civilian airport in North Carolina. Furthermore, in September, another Osprey was forced to make an emergency landing in an urban area of in North Carolina.
The Unites States Government has emphasized that the abovementioned Osprey crashes in Morocco and Florida were caused not by the airframe of Osprey itself but by human errors of the crewmembers, with which the Japanese Government concurs. The facts that such grave accidents as mentioned above repeatedly occurred in a short time of period, however, clearly demonstrates extremely dangerous nature of Osprey. It can be said that Osprey is an extremely dangerous type of airplanes because  small errors by a crewmember would lead to a crash.

3.In Okinawa Prefecture, a jet airplane of the United States Armed Forces crashed in Miyamori Elementary School in June 1959, killing seventeen people including eleven schoolchildren.
The Futenma Air Station is located in the middle of the urban area of Ginowan City. Therefore, once an Osprey crash occurs, it would be highly likely to become a catastrophic event. In August 2004, a CH-53D helicopter of the Japan-based USMC deployed at the Futemna Air Station crashed into the grounds of Okinawa International University, which realized the inherent risks of a crash of the United States Armed Forces airplane in an urban area. The deployment of dangerous Ospreys at the Futenma Air Station ignores safety of lives and bodies of local residents.
The current Osprey deployment gravely risks the lives and bodies of the Okinawans.

4.The six routes in southern parts of Japan over Honshu planned to be used for the Osprey exercises include facilities and areas not covered by the SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement). It would present problems under the terms of the SOFA for the United States Armed Forces to conduct exercises over such routes.
In addition, the Act on Special Provisions of the Civil Aeronautics Act Attendant upon the Enforcement of the SOFA exempts airplanes of the United States Armed Forces from application of many provisions of the Civil Aeronautics Act . Accordingly, Ospreys are not covered by the regulations on the minimum safety altitude requirements prescribed in the Civil Aeronautics Act (300 meters in high population density areas and 150 meters in other areas), which also presents problems. Moreover, the Minister of Defense Morimoto (at that time) conceded in answers to the Diet that there would be cases involving low altitude flights at approximately 60 meters.

5.The Ministry of Defense has admitted that Ospreys may fly to the Yokota Air Station, which is located in Fussa City, Akishima City, Tachikawa City, Musashi Murayama City and Mizuho Town, all of which are in Tokyo Metropolis. Urban areas spread around the Yokota Air Station. Therefore, once an Osprey crash occurs around the Yokota Air Station, it is highly likely to become a catastrophic event just as the case of the Futenma Air Station.
Additionally, courts, including the Supreme Court, have repeatedly found noises from the Yokota Air Station illegal in the past as they were beyond a tolerable limit. The Tokyo High Court called the noises “an abnormal condition compared with what a country under a rule of law should be” (Judgment as of November 30, 2005). Noises from the Yokota Air Station should not be further worsened by Ospreys’ flights to the Yokota Air Station.

6.What lies at the bottom of the issues arising from the United States Military Bases, including the Osprey deployment issue, is the SOFA, which restricts exercise of basic sovereignty of Japan. Our bar association requested for fundamental change of the SOFA in its “President’s Statement Calling for a Fundamental Change to the SOFA” dated April 13, 2004. The Japan Federation of Bar Associations has also repeatedly requested the review of the SOFA by its Board Resolution in August 2002 and so on.
Especially, the Osprey deployment causes a risk of a grave infringement on lives and bodies of those residents near the United States Military Forces and the flight routes of Ospreys, such as the Okinawans, violates their right to the pursuit of happiness guaranteed by the Constitution of Japan (Article 13), and is against the spirit of the right to live in peace (Preamble, Article 9, Article 13, etc. of the Constitution of Japan,).
Our bar association has visited Okinawa and investigated the situation of damages, human rights violations and so on related to the United States Military Bases in Okinawa every year since 1997. Based on the investigations, our bar association hereby calls for the Government of Japan and the Government of the United States to retract the Osprey Deployment at the Futenma Air Station and to totally halt Osprey Flights within the territory of Japan.

February 25, 2013
Yoshifusa Saito
President, Tokyo Bar Association